Video describing The Child Centre for Advocacy and Support ” Zone Protection ” in Bulgaria
Watch this video, with English subtitles, to learn about The Child Centre for Advocacy and Support ” Zone Protection ” in Bulgaria.
Watch this video, with English subtitles, to learn about The Child Centre for Advocacy and Support ” Zone Protection ” in Bulgaria.
This spring the BBC produced a 3-minute clip about the Icelandic Barnahus and the momentum in the UK to implement the model. The BBC reports the Children’s Commissioner for England would like to pilot the model, and Home Office funded pilot schemes should start next year.
Before services can launch, national commitment must blossom. Here we celebrate a few milestones that PROMISE pilot countries accomplished during 2016:
At the meeting, HM Queen Silvia returned to Linköping, 11 years after inaugurating the first Barnahus in Sweden, to give her support to the European Barnahus movement. Her advocacy played a key role in the establishment of Barnahus in Sweden. The World Childhood Foundation, which The Queen founded, helped to establish Barnahus Linköping and continues to support the establishment of Barnahus around the world.
Watch this video from the Child Protection Hub to learn how the Zagreb Child Protection Centre works.