Members and observers 

Honorary founding member

Bragi Guðbrandsson – as the Barnahus initiator, he brought the US Child Advocacy Centre model to Iceland and integrated the service into the national welfare and judicial systems. Continues to promote multidisciplinary interventions in his current post on the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC). 






Int Council of the Baltic Sea States Secretariat
Albania Barnahus Albania (f. Child Rights Center Albania) Associate
Belgium Child Circle Founding
Bulgaria SAPI Social activities and practice institute Founding
Catalonia Directorate General for Children and Adolescent Services Developing
Catalonia Hospital Vall Hebron Associate 
Croatia Child and Youth Protection Centre of Zagreb Founding
Cyprus Hope For Children CRC Policy Center (HFC) Founding
Czech Republic Centrum LOCIKA Developing
Denmark Barnahus Zealand ( Bøernehus Sjælland) Founding
England The Havens Founding
England The Lighthouse Full
England NSPCC Associate
Estonia Social Insurance Board Full 
Finland THL Founding
Germany Childhood-Haus Berlin Developing
Germany Childhood-Haus Heidelberg Developing
Germany World Childhood Foundation Germany Associate
Hungary Metropolitan Centre for Child Protection and Regional Child Protection Service of Budapest Associate
Hungary Barnahus Szombathely Developing
Hungary Terre des hommes Associate
Iceland Barnahus Iceland Founding
Ireland Tusla Founding
Latvia Ministry of Welfare Associate 
Malta Foundation for Social Welfare Services of Malta  Developing
Moldova National centre for child abuse prevention Developing
Norway Statens Barnehus Founding
Northern Ireland Department of Justice Associate
Poland Empowering Children Foundation Founding 
Portugal Associação para o Planeamento da Família (APF) Associate
Scotland Scottish Government Associate 
Scotland Children 1st Associate
Slovenia Ministry of Justice Founding 
Spain Foundation Márgenes y Vínculos Associate
Sweden Barnahus Linköping Founding
Sweden Stiftelsen Allmänna Barnhuset Founding
Sweden Anneli Larsson Associate
At Large ChildPotential Associate
Australia James Herbert, Member Australian Centre for Child Protection, University of South Australia  Associate



Ms Najat Maalla Mjid – UN Special Representative on Violence against Children


Become a Member

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Help shape the European Barnahus Movement by having access to a broad network which actively engages in exchange and mutual learning

Extend outreach and visibility

Be a part of a broad professional network, visibility in European social media and opportunities to meet other professionals from across Europe