
Individual assessments

Individual assessments

This webinar focused on the obligation to carry out an individual assessment of a child’s situation and needs when they have been a victim of abuse.

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Safeguarding measures for the Child Protection Room

Safeguarding measures for the Child Protection Room

This webinar analyses the cross-cutting elements between casework in the Barnahus with preventative actions to minimize the chances of harm occurring, and responsive actions to ensure that incidents that may happen are appropriately handled.

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Journey to the Lighthouse – an interview

Journey to the Lighthouse – an interview

It also features an interview with the author about the Lighthouse, the turning points to launching the service, her motivation to persevere on the long journey to launching it, and what to expect in the future. Special speakers who had a key role in the process to launching the service bring extra insight.

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Barnahus: what, why, and first steps

Barnahus: what, why, and first steps

This recorded conference presentation gives an introduction to the Barnahus model, presents its benefits for professionals and children alike, and proposes resources for advocating for children and the continued development of national legislation and practice.

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PROMISE 1 – the Webinar

PROMISE 1 – the Webinar

On 29 September 2017, the PROMISE project held a webinar which highlighted advocacy tools for promoting the Barnahus model, and briefly introduced the outreach and national level technical support planned for PROMISE 2.

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Individual assessments

Individual assessments

This webinar focused on the obligation to carry out an individual assessment of a child’s situation and needs when they have been a victim of abuse.

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Barnahus: what, why, and first steps

Barnahus: what, why, and first steps

This recorded conference presentation gives an introduction to the Barnahus model, presents its benefits for professionals and children alike, and proposes resources for advocating for children and the continued development of national legislation and practice.

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The Lighthouse: A safe space for child sexual abuse victims in the UK

The Lighthouse: A safe space for child sexual abuse victims in the UK

In early 2016 we met representatives from the United Kingdom at the very first networking and working meeting PROMISE. At that time, the UK was a pilot country in our project, which aimed at enabling Europe to establish a one stop shop approach as the standard approach to supporting child victims of violence. Watch this webinar to hear from all of the professional teams co-located at The Lighthouse about their work.

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Safeguarding measures for the Child Protection Room

Safeguarding measures for the Child Protection Room

This webinar analyses the cross-cutting elements between casework in the Barnahus with preventative actions to minimize the chances of harm occurring, and responsive actions to ensure that incidents that may happen are appropriately handled.

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Facility Dogs Assisting at Barnahus and similar setups

Facility Dogs Assisting at Barnahus and similar setups

Children are naturally drawn to animals, and child-friendly services which use facility dogs report that the comfort they provide often leads to better results for children. From bonding in the lobby to accompanying the child throughout the facility, children are less stressed and have a non-human to tell their story. The evidence gathered is of a high quality, the child has a positive memory from the visit, and the dog is happy to be a companion in exchange for long walks and plenty of treats at nighttime. Watch this webinar to hear from Courthouse Dogs Foundation founders Ellen O’Neill-Stephens and Celeste Walsen about:

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Putting the child at the centre: ensuring an inclusive and child-friendly setup

Putting the child at the centre: ensuring an inclusive and child-friendly setup

This webinar is aimed at professionals who are in all stages of preparing, planning, and continually improving Barnahus or similar setups which are providing a multidisciplinary and interagency response to child victims and witnesses of violence. Watch the webinar to hear about: the method and outcome of a consultation with children on their opinion of a service’s setup, ways to continually receive and integrate feedback from children, caregivers and professionals, the practicalities of planning, decorating and equipping a service.

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Adapting the Barnahus concept to local realities

Adapting the Barnahus concept to local realities

Barnahus is a flexible format for providing rapid access to justice and care for child victims and witnesses of violence. Join our webinar Thursday to learn how Barnahus Linköping, Sweden and the Child and Youth Protection Center of Zagreb, Croatia work to achieve the Barnahus Quality Standards in their local contexts.

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Facility Dogs Assisting at Barnahus and similar setups

Facility Dogs Assisting at Barnahus and similar setups

Children are naturally drawn to animals, and child-friendly services which use facility dogs report that the comfort they provide often leads to better results for children. From bonding in the lobby to accompanying the child throughout the facility, children are less stressed and have a non-human to tell their story. The evidence gathered is of a high quality, the child has a positive memory from the visit, and the dog is happy to be a companion in exchange for long walks and plenty of treats at nighttime. Watch this webinar to hear from Courthouse Dogs Foundation founders Ellen O’Neill-Stephens and Celeste Walsen about:

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Putting the child at the centre: ensuring an inclusive and child-friendly setup

Putting the child at the centre: ensuring an inclusive and child-friendly setup

This webinar is aimed at professionals who are in all stages of preparing, planning, and continually improving Barnahus or similar setups which are providing a multidisciplinary and interagency response to child victims and witnesses of violence. Watch the webinar to hear about: the method and outcome of a consultation with children on their opinion of a service’s setup, ways to continually receive and integrate feedback from children, caregivers and professionals, the practicalities of planning, decorating and equipping a service.

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Barnahus as chameleons

Barnahus as chameleons

This recording from an international conference held November 2019 features a discussion about the adaptability of the Barnahus concept to national or local contexts. The conversation is held in the context of the Finnish Barnahus-type units.

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At the Crossroads of child-centred criminal and welfare proceedings

At the Crossroads of child-centred criminal and welfare proceedings

At the Crossroads is a legal briefing which explores the considerations for when criminal justice proceedings intersect with child protection proceedings in cases, particularly when they involve child victims of violence. Experience shows that there is a need for close collaboration among stakeholders and professionals involved in both child protection and criminal justice proceedings in order to identify opportunities for both immediate and more long-term change.

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Considerations for evidence recording at the Barnahus

Considerations for evidence recording at the Barnahus

There is much more to recording interviews at a Barnahus than setting up a system and hitting record. To best perform its role, a Barnahus must comply with local/international rules and regulations of evidence recording, and be able to produce a recorded interview that holds up to scrutiny in court.

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Partner progress showcase

Partner progress showcase

In this webinar, we will feature some of the most notable achievements within the European Barnahus Movement thus far, including highlighting unique experiences, approaches and solutions as developed by the PROMISE 2 partners. This webinar will also showcase the PROMISE tools and future plans which are supporting the continued harmonisation and consolidation of good Barnahus practice across Europe.

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Considerations for evidence recording at the Barnahus

Considerations for evidence recording at the Barnahus

There is much more to recording interviews at a Barnahus than setting up a system and hitting record. To best perform its role, a Barnahus must comply with local/international rules and regulations of evidence recording, and be able to produce a recorded interview that holds up to scrutiny in court.

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Individual assessments

Individual assessments

This webinar focused on the obligation to carry out an individual assessment of a child’s situation and needs when they have been a victim of abuse.

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Journey to the Lighthouse – an interview

Journey to the Lighthouse – an interview

It also features an interview with the author about the Lighthouse, the turning points to launching the service, her motivation to persevere on the long journey to launching it, and what to expect in the future. Special speakers who had a key role in the process to launching the service bring extra insight.

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The Lighthouse: A safe space for child sexual abuse victims in the UK

The Lighthouse: A safe space for child sexual abuse victims in the UK

In early 2016 we met representatives from the United Kingdom at the very first networking and working meeting PROMISE. At that time, the UK was a pilot country in our project, which aimed at enabling Europe to establish a one stop shop approach as the standard approach to supporting child victims of violence. Watch this webinar to hear from all of the professional teams co-located at The Lighthouse about their work.

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Adapting the Barnahus concept to local realities

Adapting the Barnahus concept to local realities

Barnahus is a flexible format for providing rapid access to justice and care for child victims and witnesses of violence. Join our webinar Thursday to learn how Barnahus Linköping, Sweden and the Child and Youth Protection Center of Zagreb, Croatia work to achieve the Barnahus Quality Standards in their local contexts.

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Partner progress showcase

Partner progress showcase

In this webinar, we will feature some of the most notable achievements within the European Barnahus Movement thus far, including highlighting unique experiences, approaches and solutions as developed by the PROMISE 2 partners. This webinar will also showcase the PROMISE tools and future plans which are supporting the continued harmonisation and consolidation of good Barnahus practice across Europe.

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Considerations for evidence recording at the Barnahus

Considerations for evidence recording at the Barnahus

There is much more to recording interviews at a Barnahus than setting up a system and hitting record. To best perform its role, a Barnahus must comply with local/international rules and regulations of evidence recording, and be able to produce a recorded interview that holds up to scrutiny in court.

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At the Crossroads of child-centred criminal and welfare proceedings

At the Crossroads of child-centred criminal and welfare proceedings

At the Crossroads is a legal briefing which explores the considerations for when criminal justice proceedings intersect with child protection proceedings in cases, particularly when they involve child victims of violence. Experience shows that there is a need for close collaboration among stakeholders and professionals involved in both child protection and criminal justice proceedings in order to identify opportunities for both immediate and more long-term change.

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Law as one enabling factor for the Barnahus 

Law as one enabling factor for the Barnahus 

There is a range of ways to use legislation to enable the setup and success of the Barnahus. From full legislation to no legislation, having the perfect law in place is incredibly useful, yet not an absolute condition for establishing a well-functioning cooperation. With a focus on the benefits of legislation, watch this webinar to hear about best practices learned from the application of law that can be applied universally, and also to discuss crucial factors for achieving a well-functioning Barnahus.

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Barnahus: what, why, and first steps

Barnahus: what, why, and first steps

This recorded conference presentation gives an introduction to the Barnahus model, presents its benefits for professionals and children alike, and proposes resources for advocating for children and the continued development of national legislation and practice.

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Barnahus as chameleons

Barnahus as chameleons

This recording from an international conference held November 2019 features a discussion about the adaptability of the Barnahus concept to national or local contexts. The conversation is held in the context of the Finnish Barnahus-type units.

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Partner progress showcase

Partner progress showcase

In this webinar, we will feature some of the most notable achievements within the European Barnahus Movement thus far, including highlighting unique experiences, approaches and solutions as developed by the PROMISE 2 partners. This webinar will also showcase the PROMISE tools and future plans which are supporting the continued harmonisation and consolidation of good Barnahus practice across Europe.

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Combined child-parent cognitive behavioural therapy (CPC-CBT)

Combined child-parent cognitive behavioural therapy (CPC-CBT)

This lecture series on combined child-parent cognitive behavioural therapy (CPC-CBT) features Bengt Söderström from Allmänna Barnhuset in Sweden. It is geared towards those who will soon train in CPC-CBT, and also those who are evaluating the therapeutic method for use in your setting.

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Therapeutic services at the Barnahus

Therapeutic services at the Barnahus

This webinar mini-series looks at the concrete value of embedding therapeutic services at the Barnahus, how to meet the standard, and the impact for children and their caregivers.

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The PROMISE Child Participation Tool

The PROMISE Child Participation Tool

Children and young people have a right to express their opinions on things that concern them. To facilitate Barnahus and similar setups to hear about how children experience their service, PROMISE has developed a Child Participation Tool.

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About the webinar series


It is often the case that, due to limited space and resources, only select professionals from around Europe are able to participate at the PROMISE project exchange meetings. These meetings feature lectures, trainings and discussions on the key principles, standards, and challenges to consider when opening and operating a multi-disciplinary and interagency collaboration for child victims and witnesses of violence.


The PROMISE webinars revisit and expand on topics covered in these exclusive meetings, and the recordings are available to support the dynamic needs and interests of Barnahus stakeholders globally. 

The webinars all held in English. 

The webinars are co-organised with Terre des Hommes as part of the Child Protection Hub’s webinar series.