Step 1 – Getting to Yes

All action to promote progress towards Barnahus begins with taking stock determining where you are in the process of establishing and operating a Barnahus and what change needs to happen next.

The Competence Centre at the Barnahus Network supports countries to promote a national understanding and commitment to Barnahus, including through exchange and dialogue between relevant agencies in your country. We can also help to develop a national strategy towards establishing Barnahus that practice according to the Barnahus quality standards.

Drawing on our studies, resources and the experience of Barnahus from across Europe, we together look at your specific context, including for example:

  • What are the main factors and dynamics that enable the establishment of Barnahus or a comparable model in your country?
  • What challenges or obstacles exist and how can they be overcome?
  • What action should you be taking to promote progress towards establishing Barnahus in your country?
  • What opportunities and resources for advocacy exist?

Find our related courses, publication, and other resources below, or move on to Step 2 – Creating and enabling environment.


Related webinars and publications

Related courses and support