The Multidisciplinary Foundation

All Barnahus implement multidisciplinary and interagency interventions, organized under one roof in a child-friendly setting, placing the best interests of the child at the centre.

Each child is offered a balanced multidisciplinary, professional and child friendly intervention, managed through joint case management and review.

All Barnahus include “four rooms” embedded in a multidisciplinary and interagency environment, featuring collaboration and cooperation.

The Barnahus Quality Standards puts forth the following guidance on the role and specialization of multidisciplinary work at the Barnahus:


  • 1.1 Best interests
  • 2 Multidisciplinary interagency collaboration
  • 5 Interagency case management
  • 9 Capacity building
  • 10 Prevention

Multidisciplinary webinars and publications

Multidisciplinary courses and support