PROMISE Hub – an online case management system
Apr 15, 2020

The PROMISE Tracking Tool was lunched in 2017 to support PROMISE stakeholders to monitor their progress towards meeting the PROMISE Barnahus Quality Standards.

We are now evolving this basic concept into an online case management tool – called PROMISE Hub.

The Hub will be based on an existing tool in use by 8 Barnahus in Sweden. It will automatically collect de-personalised, comparable European data on violence against children and track performance. Tracking daily events in each case will provide a useful case management tool, and key information collected by integrating the child consultation module may be used to influence policy, law and practice. It will include a child participation module to measure the experience of children and their caretakers who visit the Barnahus. Moreover, it will automatically track performance at each Barnahus, nationally and internationally, on meeting the PROMISE Barnahus Quality Standards. Long term, such a system could become the basis for an accreditation system for Barnahus in Europe.

Beyond these benefits, the PROMISE Hub responds to two important needs that our stakeholders require, as confirmed in our PROMISE Vision: comparable data, and easy tools for following-up the case. It also aims to provide data to satisfy the various reporting requirements that any given service may be subject to, including by donors, politicians, oversight agencies, and more.

When the system will be formally launched, Barnahus and similar setups will be able to buy into the system rather than develop their own, integrations into existing systems may also be possible.

The system is being rolled out to PROMISE 3 partners first during 2021. It has so far been piloted by the Finnish Barnahus-type units, been reviewed by a workshop at an international conference, and is implemented in a beta stage in the Irish Barnahus.

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