Four papers on procedural safeguards


The Promise Resources on Procedural Safeguards gather information, experience and reflections on the application of procedural safeguards for child victims required under EU law during criminal investigations and court proceedings in Barnahus.


Overview of resources available within the Promise Barnahus Network and how to use them

About the publication:
This document provides an overview of these Promise resources and how they may be used, including in the context of mutual learning and the Promise Barnahus Competence Centre and training sessions within the network.

Promise Barnahus European Case Law Book: procedural safeguards for child victims in criminal cases

About the publication:
The Promise European Case Law Book shares key European case law on procedural safeguards for child victims. It provides a resource for Promise training and exchange between practitioners involved in criminal investigations. It sets out key facts and conclusions on procedural safeguards, considers implications for practice and offers reflection points.

Briefing Paper on individual assessments of the situation and needs of the child victim in Barnahus

About the publication:

This paper focuses on child victims involved in criminal justice proceedings and their rights to having their specific needs met. These include rights to information, support and assistance, to be heard, to adaptations of the criminal proceedings where needed, including during interviews, to special protection measures, and to access to health services.

States must ensure that an individual assessment of a child’s situation and needs is carried out for the purposes of identifying their needs and helping children access these rights. 

Children providing evidence in Barnahus: considering procedural safeguards for the child and respecting the rights of the defence

About the publication: 
When considering the way in which children are interviewed in Barnahus, consideration must be given to both their right to participate and express their views in proceedings concerning them and to ensuring national procedural rules concerning the criminal justice proceedings are fully respected.  This Promise Reflection Paper – Children Providing Evidence in Barnahus – focuses on the second issue, specifically considering the procedural safeguards used when children giving evidence.