Children should not have to give evidence in court. The Scottish Government has committed to exploring the application of Barnahus through both its Programme for Government 2018-19 and the Equally Safe delivery plan – a Scottish and Local Government-led strategy which seeks to eradicate all forms of violence against women and girls.
On 1st January 2019, the Barnahus Act came into force in Hungary. It establishes public funding for the operation of the Barnahus – as well as official and police and judicial requests.
The Barnahus model was piloted in Riga, Latvia at Center Dardedze for six months during 2017 on the basis of the Barnahus Quality Standards. This pilot had a focus on the criminal investigation phase. The evaluation of the pilot highlighted that a number of things should be established.
The Polish Barnahus form a network coordinated by the Empowering Children Foundation. Two Barnahus are operated by the Empowering Children Foundation (Warsaw and Starogard, Gdanski) and two others are opreated by local NGO’s. Each Barnahus is supported by the Velux Foundation and local authorities, has funding secured for several years, and is committed to meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards.
Following the October 2018 national roundtable, Save the Children Romania started to meet monthly with the Bucharest Tribunal. Together they are actively working on revising the legal framework around hearing the child in court, in line with the Barnahus Quality Standards.
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