Judicial workshop in Cyprus enhances national efforts to implement child-friendly practices

UK’s first Child Houses for young victims of sexual abuse have launched

The Lighthouse team will work together to support children, young people and their families through their journey. We have specially trained medical professionals, specialist therapists, advocates, police officers and social workers on hand to help with children’s recoveries. And we make sure all the children we support receive all of this in one familiar and child-friendly place.

Judicial workshop in Cyprus enhances national efforts to implement child-friendly practices

Croatian experts support Cyprus to advocate for a common approach to child sexual abuse and exploitation

On 4 July 2018, the Hope for Children CRC Policy Centre organised a national roundtable discussion for professionals working with children involved in sexual abuse and exploitation. The aim was to raise awareness about the Children’s House in Cyprus and to develop a common approach. Participants discussed the benefits and challenges of multidisciplinary and interagency cooperation, and also true and false allegations of child abuse.

Judicial workshop in Cyprus enhances national efforts to implement child-friendly practices

Swedish experts join roundtable in Germany on interdisciplinary teamwork

On 26 June 2018, a roundtable was organized on child-friendly and interdisciplinary approaches to suspicion, assistance and criminal case handling in cases of sexual abuse. PROMISE Experts Britta Bäumer from Barnahus Stockholm and Helena Asplund from Barnahus Linköping were on hand to give the Swedish perspective. The meeting was organized by the World Childhood Foundation Germany as part of the PROMISE 2 project.