Courses and Support

Professional networking and exchange

Professional networking and exchange

Our professional networks and exchanges are member-led initiatives based on thematic areas or professional specialization. They support Barnahus staff to connect with their peers from around Europe, and to gain access to a vibrant exchange of knowledge, experience and practice.

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Support desk

Support desk

All Network members have access to the support desk service, provided by the PROMISE Barnahus Network Secretariat.

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Judicial workshops

Judicial workshops

To convince judges to support the introduction of Barnahus in their national systems, Judge Sigvaldason noted that they often need to hear it from another judge. PROMISE has also seen just how influential it can be for judges to meet in person with Barnahus forensic interviewers, having their minds changed about how to interview children sometimes in just one half-day meeting.

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Tailor-made training and support

Tailor-made training and support

In collaboration with you and based on your needs, we will develop a custom intervention that engages top experts in Europe and abroad who will support your work towards establishing Barnahus and meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards.

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Tailor-made training and support

Tailor-made training and support

In collaboration with you and based on your needs, we will develop a custom intervention that engages top experts in Europe and abroad who will support your work towards establishing Barnahus and meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards.

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Judicial workshops

Judicial workshops

To convince judges to support the introduction of Barnahus in their national systems, Judge Sigvaldason noted that they often need to hear it from another judge. PROMISE has also seen just how influential it can be for judges to meet in person with Barnahus forensic interviewers, having their minds changed about how to interview children sometimes in just one half-day meeting.

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Tailor-made training and support

Tailor-made training and support

In collaboration with you and based on your needs, we will develop a custom intervention that engages top experts in Europe and abroad who will support your work towards establishing Barnahus and meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards.

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Tailor-made training and support

Tailor-made training and support

In collaboration with you and based on your needs, we will develop a custom intervention that engages top experts in Europe and abroad who will support your work towards establishing Barnahus and meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards.

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Tailor-made training and support

Tailor-made training and support

In collaboration with you and based on your needs, we will develop a custom intervention that engages top experts in Europe and abroad who will support your work towards establishing Barnahus and meeting the Barnahus Quality Standards.

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Medical evaluation in Barnahus

Medical evaluation in Barnahus

Depending on your needs, we can offer online or offline sessions with top European experts – including paediatricians and medical forensic doctors, covering a wide range of topics.

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