MDIA/MDT – Establishing and working in a multidisciplinary interagency team

The PROMISE Basic Course in Multidisciplinary Teams is a collaboration between the PROMISE Barnahus Network, hosted at the CBSS, and the National Child Advocacy Centers. It offers generalized training on the MDT Model suitable for all audiences with a focus on introducing multidisciplinary and interagency (MDIA) teamwork, exploring what MDIA teamwork is, why teams work, why teams take work and essential components of effective teaming through lectures and exchange between participants.


    Variable. In many cases may be covered by project or other funding. We will work with you to design a course to fit your needs and budget.

    PROMISE Barnahus Network Members have subsidized or – when possible – free access to this type of support. 

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    According to your schedule, depending on the availability of our experts. Be in contact with us early to start planning. 



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